How Much Are You Worth In Your Career?
Surveys which have been taken for careers have demonstrated that about 89% of Americans listed the salary as the most important element in finding a job. At the same time, nearly 50% of those taking these surveys felt that they were underpaid.
When you are looking for a job, it is important to make sure it pays you enough money. The salary that you earn from a job should be based on the market rate. Many people also fail to realize that it is possible to negotiate their salaries or raises. To do this successfully, it is important to do your research.
When you are looking for a job, you will want to compare the salaries of different occupations in your area. One of the most common questions asked by employers during job interviews is how much you would like to be paid. Those who haven’t done their research may sell themselves short. If you ask for too much, you may not get the job. If you ask for too little, you may be underpaid. Understanding the market rate for different jobs in your area will make it easier for you to logically answer this question. Even if you are currently working for an employer, it is important to make sure you are being paid a reasonable rate for the field you’re working in.
The first thing you will want to do is look at salary surveys. This information can be found with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Studying salary surveys will give you information about wage expectations in different career related fields. It is also possible for you to find salary information for specific fields. You don’t want to limit yourself to one survey. Study multiple surveys to get a good idea of how much employees are paid within a specific field. One factor which must be taken into consideration is the standard of living for different areas. Different places will have different standards of living. Even if a company pays a high salary, it may be located in an area where the standard of living is very high.
For example, if you have a job which pays you $24,000 a year in Jackson, Mississippi, you would have to make $49,000 in New York or Los Angeles in order maintain the same standard of living. There are a number of services online which can allow you to find information about the cost of living in various areas around the United States. Doing this will allow you to determine how much you will have to spend in living expenses each month. Based on the information you have, you can then negotiate a salary with your employer which will allow you to obtain a higher standard of living.
Before you begin to negotiate with your potential employer, you will want to find out how much you and your job are worth. This will require you to research salaries. By doing this, you will be prepared to negotiate a reasonable amount of money with your potential employer. Now that you know what you should earn, you will next want to figure out how to obtain it. When you are interviewed by a prospective employer, never bring up your salary until they begin talking about it first. If you are asked how much you would like to make, tell them that you are open for an amount which is based on the overall position.
It may also be a good idea to ask them more about the tasks that you will be required to complete. Another intuitive thing you could do is give the prospective employer a range based on the research you’ve done. This will allow you to accomplish two things. First, it will tell your employer that you take the time to do your research, and this is a sign of someone who is responsible and motivated. Second, it will allow you to get the salary you want. It is a win win situation for both you and your potential employer. If they give you an offer you don’t want, tell them that you will have to think it over. Doing this will likely cause the employer to raise their offer. Sometimes even turning down a position based on an offer will make your employer more likely to want to hire you. The reason for this is because you will give an impression of confidence in your abilities.
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